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Below we've answered a few of our most commonly asked questions. If you have any additional questions, please reach out to us using our contact page!

Does your company offer a practice management system?

Yes, we have a cloud based EHR system available for practices. But if you'd like to keep your existing software in place, we’ll connect to you!

How do you manage patient Accounts Receivable?

We typically send out patient statements each month. If the patient has not paid after receiving 3 statements, we will attempt to contact the patient via a phone call to resolve the debt. 

How is the billing workload distributed? 

You will have a project manager, adminsitrative assistant, and biller assigned.  Depending on billing volume, we may assign other associates, as needed.

How do you manage Insurance Accounts Receivable?

Each of our associates are responsible for converting your billed procedures to payments. Our project manager monitors the various types of denials to ensure they are responded to appropriately and timely so claims ultimately get paid.

How often are claims submitted?

We strive to submit claims the following day from when they are received.

Is data encrypted and are there backups performed?

Yes, your data maintained according to HIPAA laws and is encrypted on our servers and workstation.

Our practice would like to analyze transactions to monitor our performance. Can you develop customized reporting to assist us?

Yes, we have complex data importing tools that allow us to transform and ingest most data file formats including Portable Document Formats (PDFs) and spreadsheets. Once data is converted and transformed, we can perform ad-hoc, production or customized information helpful for decision making. 

Which insurance carriers do you work with?

We work with many insurance companies on a regular basis such as the ones below, and we are always willing to add more to the list.


 We want you to be comfortable with your medical billing company!

Insurance Companies We've Worked With

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Medical Insurance Eligibiloty
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